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Google Ads: A huge success, now also SEO!
New conversions within 1 month!
Clicks in 1 month!

CleanTeeth offers patient-centered dental care with a personal approach. Customized treatments and a no-obligation consultation ensure that you're on your way to a healthy mouth and a radiant smile.


Boost your online success with Innomads!

At CleanTeeth, we achieved impressive results with a targeted digital strategy. The success of our Google Ads campaigns led to a significant increase in appointments, which is why we’re now also leveraging SEO to enhance online visibility.

Would you like to strengthen your online presence too?
Contact us today!


Strategic Approach at CleanTeeth

For CleanTeeth, we began by researching the target audience. By addressing CleanTeeth’s unique care needs and personal approach, we fine-tuned the strategy to attract new patients. This method directly resulted in a noticeable increase in the number of appointments made.


Which Channels We Use:

  • Google Ads: Targeted advertising for immediate online visibility.
  • SEO: Optimizing search engine rankings to ensure you’re found.
  • Qoockie Calltracking: Accurate measurement of telephone leads and conversions.


Key Numbers at a Glance:

  • 8 in-person appointments made
  • 12 telephone inquiries
  • 2 contact forms submitted
  • 222 clicks
  • CTR: 8.11% (national average 2%)


From Ads to SEO – A Winning Combination

The success of our Google Ads campaigns has paved the way for our SEO efforts. Thanks to our experts’ approach, we’re further strengthening CleanTeeth’s online presence, directly contributing to the generation of more appointments.


Concrete Output – Is What You Get!

Would you also like to boost your online impact and generate more high-quality leads?
Contact us today and discover what our strategy can do for your company!

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